Eastleigh Town Council is pleased to award community grants to local organisations for the benefit the Town and its residents.

In accordance with the Council’s Community Grant Policy, the Council has identified £10,000 in total, available as grants of up to £800 each, to support projects, initiatives and organisations that meet certain objectives.

The Council welcomes applications from 1st April 2024 until 31st March 2025.

We understand residents are worried about their financial security and wellbeing. Household bills are rising, with energy for heating a particular concern for many and meeting even basic needs like food, clothing and transport costs will be hard for many. With that in mind, we want to support local projects and organisations that aim to deliver one or more of the following objectives:

  • Supporting residents with household costs, including food, energy and clothing
  • Providing support or services for the benefit of residents’ wellbeing and mental health
  • Bringing residents together to tackle loneliness, build new relationships and foster a greater sense of community in the Town.
  • Creating opportunities for residents to grow their own food, make their own clothing and other productive projects that reduce household costs


The Town Council awards grants, at its absolute discretion, to not-for-profit, charitable or volunteer organisations or worthy causes which can demonstrate a clear need for financial support to achieve an objective which will benefit the Town by: 

  • Providing a service 
  • Enhancing the quality of life 
  • Improving the environment
  • Promoting Eastleigh in a positive way

Application Procedure

The Town Clerk will receive all applications in the first instance and will then collate all the necessary information from the applicant ready for presentation and discussion at the appropriate Policy & Finance Committee meeting.

Applications must include the following information: 

  • A completed application form
  • Any relevant supporting information required as per the application form.
  • Full details of the project or activity.
  • A copy of their last year end accounts and demonstration of a clear need for funding.
  • Evidence of what funding will be provided by the applicant and where applicable, what funding has been sought from other sources for the same purpose.
  • For new initiatives, a detailed business or project plan.
  • A copy of their constitution or details of their aim or purpose.
  • Details of any restrictions placed on who can use/access their services.
  • Evidence that the project actively promotes equal access for all.

Organisations will normally be expected to have clear written aims and objectives, a written constitution and a separate bank account controlled by more than one signatory. 

Assessment Procedure

Each application will be assessed on its own merits. However, to ensure as fair a distribution as possible of available funds, the Town Council will consider the amount and frequency of any previous awards and the geographical spread within the parish area. Due account may also be taken of the extent to which funding has been sought or secured from other sources or fund-raising activities.

The Town Council may make the award of any grant or subsidy subject to such additional conditions and requirements as it considers appropriate. The Town Council reserves the right to refuse any grant application which it considers to be inappropriate or against the objectives of the Council. 

Successful Grants

We have awarded grants to the following:

  • The North Stoneham Community Group
  • Newtown Residents’ Association
  • 11th Eastleigh (North Stoneham) Scout Group
  • Norwood Primary School PTA
  • Friends of Stoneham Park Academy PTA
  • Nightingale Primary School PTA
  • Friends of Cherbourg PTA
  • The Friends of the Crescent PTA